ios multiple localizable


Since I add a localizable file to my project, I found this problem: the first time I load my app, I see the localised string of my key in a label, the second time I load the app, the key string in a label, the next time I load the app, everything is fine again.


the issue is that some vender plugins include a localizable.file again, and that my project include the same name file, so when I launch the app either of these two localizable string files were picked up.

So, u can rename your localizable file name, like MyString.string, and make it localization. use NSLocalizedStringFromTable to localize it.

NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Key", @"MyString", nil)

定制我们自己的 JQuery 插件

### 介绍---一直来使用过的 JQuery 插件很多,也写过一些 JQuery 库的扩展。然而要真正了解插件如何扩展 JQuery 库需要对 JavaScript prototype 属性有一些基本的了解。虽然说不直接使用,但是 JavaScript prototype...… Continue reading


Published on July 26, 2015

HTTP 信封里的文档

Published on July 16, 2015